Address Verification

In this era, where fraud and crime is growing in a rapid speed, it becomes essential to conduct an address verification of a candidate to whom someone wants to hire Address verification is need of the hour. It offers a complete solution to residence authentication services. It’s a prevent measure, which is to be taken by all the corporates,domestic houses,retails,Educational instructions and anyone wants to hire anyone The Address verification service corroborate the person’s present residence address, by reconciling the information provided by the user itself which will be done by visiting the premises by the field investigators and also by reconciling with the utility bills provided by the person.

From time to time applicants may conceal their previous addresses held in an attempt to hide prior criminal convictions or records. Address verification service gives a clear window to the people who want to get address verification done by giving them a risk insight, which will help them to steer clear from the potential financial frauds and liabilities. ..In case anything goes wrong and it becomes easy to catch him, if his/her address is authentic and verified. Without address, even a complaint also cannot be logged in local police station. Address Check would help in confirming the candidate/applicant place of residence.

We undertake physical address verification of your applicants’ current or permanent address in a cost-effective process. Now, you might ask, what does the address verification process entail? At Eagle India Verification Pvt. Ltd. , the given address is visited by our verification staff to determine whether the candidate has actually lived there. The address verification procedure will also expose others who have lived at the same address, as well as throw light on the candidate’s earlier addresses. Any aliases used by the prospective employee can also be revealed through the physical address verification. Plus, it helps to collate information on and from relatives, roommates and neighbours. During the course of the address verification in India we also collect information on and contact people known to the candidates. Address verification in India is required not just for employees but is also useful in vendor assessment. If there is a disparity in the address details provided by the candidate/ vendor and the data collected, your doubts can be cleared by running complete background verification.

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