HR Process Audit

The Human Resource Department of each and every company is key to the good health of the company. The efficiency quotient of the employees is often determined by the policies of the HR department. Every organisation and department needs a system and some checks to work effectively. Human resource is no different. Regular HR audits are done to ensure that the policies, documentation and procedures are accurate or not. It evaluates policies related to budgeting, training, hiring, employee relations and retention.

An HR audit has often been called an annual company health check. We Provide HR process audits anywhere in India for small and big companies to certify that your company is following existing rules and regulations. Because oversights in HR process can prove costly for the company in the short as well as the long run. This could compromise company credibility too.

Delegating HR process audits to a third party is also important to check whether all your assets and resources are being effectively and efficiently utilized; which an in-house HR process audit might not do objectively. Our HR process audits cover all areas of Human Resource Management – recruitment, training and development; employer-employee relations; health check-ups; compliance with HR policies, etc. We guarantee you a cost-effective, reliable HR process audit on par with the best industry standards.

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