
What Services We Offer You

We specializes in assessing the needs of background verification in today’s world and gives an upright solution by taking proactive measure through conducting different sets of screening services. In order to address different sets of problems related to different segments and aspects of the world we offers a wide spectrum of background verification services. We put in a lot of thought into structuring its areas of operation to ensures continual compliance and safeguard the interest of the customers its serving

Address Verification

In this era, where fraud and crime is growing in a rapid speed, it becomes essential to conduct an address verification of a candidate to whom...

Employment Verification

Employment verification is important to authenticate if a candidate has been working for the tenure, role and salary indicated in their resume...

Educational Verification

Now with the increasing demands in the jobs in different sector around the globe it has been noticed that false educational claims are made at a huge number...

Police Verification

The Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) is an official document issued to an individual by the Indian Police or an authorized Indian Government authority to identify records...

Court Record Verification

Court Record check dig up records of illegal activities that prospective employees might have indulged in, as well as of criminal or civil offences...

Global Database Verification

Screen from the global databases to mitigate the risk in relation to Politically Exposed Persons, heightened Risk Individuals & Organizations...

Credit History Check

Credit history check is meant to assess a person’s financial responsibility by looking at how they manage money in their day-to-day life....

Claim Verification

Everybody is looking to make a quick buck, sometimes this takes the form of earning through fake insurance claims. But are there no checks and balances, you may wonder...

Vendors Verification

Screening vendors before signing up with them is absolutely crucial, neglecting vendor screening could lead to not just leaks in the balance sheet of the company but also your company credibility....

Tenant Verification

Tenant verification is vital to confirm that prospective tenants do not have a history of failing to pay rent or damaging property. To also rule out that they are not the kind...

HR Process Audit

Every organization and department needs a system and some checks to work effectively. Human resource is no different. Regular HR audits are done to ensure that the policies...

HR Process Audit

Every organization and department needs a system and some checks to work effectively. Human resource is no different. Regular HR audits are done to ensure that the policies...

How We Carry The Process

Submission of documents

Verification of documents

Quality control and closure comments

Release of report

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