Tenant Verification

We all know how painful the search for the perfect tenant for our house can be. No dearth of tenants really, but we don’t know how good they are so they all need verification. We wouldn’t want to come back to our ‘home, sweet home’ to find it taken over by an irresponsible tenant and made a mess of, damaged or vandalised. In order to protect you from this at Eagle India Verification Pvt. Ltd. undertakes tenant verification anywhere in India.

Tenant verification is vital to confirm that prospective tenants do not have a history of failing to pay rent or damaging property. To also rule out that they are not the kind who would use our house for criminal or terrorist activities. We also need to check if the credentials provided by the potential tenant are valid, whether he has any criminal records against him, has he made any false claims in his employment background.

We provide tenant verification services for owners anywhere in India. We contact previous landlords, if any, to determine what kind of a tenant the applicant is. In cases where we suspect wrongful claims we do a 360 degree tenant verification by also collecting significant information from police records, court records, employment records, to check whether the prospective tenant has been involved in any criminal activities or has any cases pending against him/her. Sometimes tenant verification can reveal white collar crime related to employment or education also.

Our tenant verification process is cost-effective and quick, supplying you with all relevant information that is possible on a tenant, thereby protecting property misuse, damage, theft or vandalisation if you have unknowingly taken on a deceiving tenant. You can rely  on us for tenant verification services anywhere in India.

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