Court Record Verification

Court Record check dig up records of illegal activities that prospective employees might have indulged in, as well as of criminal or civil offences which have led to litigation. By carrying out court record checks at pre-employment stage, you put a ‘No Entry’ sign for the wrong type of personnel into your Company.

We offers the most hassle-free court record reference check for your protection. Our civil court background checks reveal candidates who have a record of having taken previous employers to court, or those who have been taken to court themselves for reasons related to employment. Insolvency of the applicant can also be determined, where it exists. The job applicant’s records are a major source in helping us check the type of human resources you engage.

This check is conducted in association with leading Law firms registered with the Bar Council of India. The court records background check records the date of filing the civil or criminal court case, and, where available, the identity of parties involved. With the number of defaulters and the rate of frauds on the rise, foolproof employee verification is not complete without a court records check. 

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