Global Database Verification

Screen from the global databases to mitigate the risk in relation to Politically Exposed Persons, heightened Risk Individuals & Organizations, Financial Risk, Regulatory and Reputational Risk such as Sanction & Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery & Corruption, Financial Crime, Negative Media Research, etc. from risk intelligence companies such as World Check by Refinitiv, Accuity, Comply Advantage, etc.

Verify global and country-specific databases to verify if a candidate has been involved in any activities that are related to frauds or crimes. Database check could reveal if the candidate had any connections to organized criminal outfits or if s/he holds a risk related to legal, reputation or compliance aspects. Database checks reveal information that is not available in other sources of verification. Database checks are advanced and specific and hence will reveal information that is not easily accessible otherwise. 

We at Eagle India Verification Pvt. Ltd. verify Global Database  which includes risk in relation to Politically Exposed Persons, heightened Risk Individuals & Organizations, Financial Risk, Regulatory and Reputational Risk such as Sanction & Anti Money Laundering, Anti-Bribery & Corruption, Financial Crime, Negative Media Research, etc.

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